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  1. Annie Transon says:

    The mess-free sensory bottles would be amazing for my occupational therapy students at the therapeutic day school I work at. They would be beneficial to keep in the calm down areas of the classrooms.

  2. Marlene Zerbe says:

    I’d like the cuddle ball but I’m in 3 buildings or sensory bottles so I don’t have to make as many or the mazes–I like it all!!

  3. Would love one of these

  4. The calming cuddle ball is what I would choose. I haven’t seen them before and it looks like a wonderful calming tool!

  5. Virginia Lee says:

    I love the calming cuddle toy! I haven’t seen that before.

  6. Calling tubes would be a wonderful addition to my child care. If you don’t follow this woman I highly recommend. She’s been very helpful over the years

  7. Love the calm down ball. That is a new one that I haven’t seen before. Thanks

  8. I love these ideas! We have been looking for more tools to help in our make shift calm down corner and these are great

  9. Maggie Sloan says:

    All of these look great! I like the Sensory Tubes and the Mazes!

  10. I would love to have the Breathing Sphere or the Sensory Bean Bags for my Kinders!

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