Snowman Playdough Mat
One fun way to play with playdough is with playdough mats! There are many free printables around the web (and some that I’ll highlight at the end of this post), but today I want to share our snowman playdough mats. They are so simple and can lead to lots of play time.

The boys got right to work on building their snowmen! (Also, I had the song “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” stuck in my head during this activity…ha!)
They formed the playdough on the snowman.
The boys also made playdough boys with printables found on this blog.
Playing with playdough is great for building up hand strength for fine motor skills.
We also used playdough with my number mats. Troy broke off pieces of playdough and placed them in the circles.
We had lots of fun playing with playdough mats. If you’d like to download the snowman printable click here —> snowman playdough mat
Here are some other great playdough mats from around the web!
People Mats by Picklebums
Dinosaur Mats by Craftulate
Garden & Growing Mats by Picklebums
Train & Truck Mats by Teach Love Grow
Counting to Ten Mats by Life Over Cs
Numbers 11-20 Activity Mats by Teaching Mama
This was day 14 of the 31 Days of Play Series. To see all the activities, visit here. Happy Playing!