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  1. Marla Olson says:

    I can not wait to get the number chart to help my kids learn how to print their numbers

  2. Karen Vance says:

    Great website! Please sign me up!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Ok! Check your email for a subscription confirmation!

  3. These are great! I just subscribed and shared a link to your page on my Facebook page! THANKS again!
    Jenn recently posted…Shapes..Fun and Freebies!My Profile

  4. Yvonne yorke says:

    i love your ideas x

  5. I would like to sign up.

  6. I’m so happy to find your site. Thank you for the cute numbers – I can’t wait to use them

  7. Love your site! I just signed up for the newsletter. Will I be sent a link for the number formation freebie?


    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi Jonna! Yes, a link with the subscriber freebie should have been sent to you right away. Check your spam or junk folder, in case it went there. If you can’t find it, let me know!

  8. Melanie @ Tree Valley Academy says:

    Very clever – my favourite is number 8. My daughter’s issue is usually 2’s & 3’s as she sometimes begins writing them in the wrong direction.
    Melanie @ Tree Valley Academy recently posted…Learning Kid Link-Up #12My Profile

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes! That is a very common way for little ones to begin writing numbers!! (My boys have done that, too!)

  9. Thanks so much for sharing! These rhymes are so creative and fun for little ones. A great way to help them remember how to form and write their numbers!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing! Love this idea!

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