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  1. Christina says:

    I’d love the counting bears!

  2. Jacqueline says:

    Just moved up from 3’s to Pre-K and those magnetic ten frames look so fun to use with my class.

  3. Jeni Taylor says:

    I these! I have used the counting bears and my kids love them! I would love the pattern blocks. So many ways to use them and grow with the kids!

  4. These are all great math manipulatives for preschoolers! I would love some of the snap cubes for my classroom.

  5. I enjoy the versatility of teaching with math cubes.

  6. Valerie Lucas says:

    All the Math manipulatives are the perfect complement to any Math Curriculum. Pattern Blocks are great for Geometry in my 2nd & 3rd Grade Classroom. (I Like tangrams that have pattern pages to build on.)

  7. Math manipulatives are always great to use! I like the foam blocks and cute mini erasers.

  8. I haven’t use the 10 frame/magnet board. That would make be helpful when you want to teach subtizing.

  9. I love all of these math manipulatives. The pattern blocks would be a great addition for my preschoolers since we are beginning to talk about shapes and patterns.

  10. My kids would have loads of fun with the mini erasers. Such an amazing amount of joy for every skill!

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