Leaf Lantern
Here’s a fun activity for fall this year…making a leaf lantern! Here’s what you need:
*leaves (8-10)
*clear glass jar
*Mod Podge
*tea light (you can use a battery-operated one if you have little ones!)
If you don’t have any Mod Podge on hand, you can make a really easy version yourself. All you do is mix one part water to one part glue in a container. Then put a lid on the container and shake til it’s all mixed up. Then you’re ready to go! MUCH cheaper and it works great!
So the next step is to take a leaf, coat it with Mod Podge and stick it on the jar. Then plaster Mod Podge all over it so the leaf will stick. You don’t want to use too much or it will just be messy. Then you repeat these steps until your jar is full of Mod Podged leaves. Let it dry. You may have to check on it several times to make sure the leaves are staying in place or recoat some Mod Podge.
Lastly, add a tea light, light it and you’ll have your leaf lantern!
Happy Fall!
This is a great idea. I love candles, so this really appeals to me!