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  1. Deirdre Thomas says:

    Thank you for these ideas.

  2. Jennifer Smith says:

    I love these ideas! I would love to have a set to use in my classroom.

  3. Roxanne Aviles says:

    My 3 year old uses Magnatiles at school and loves them! I would love a set for my kindergarten classroom. The kids would enjoy using them just like he does!

  4. laurie connor says:

    I like the diverse activities you can do with the magnetic tiles. They will be pretty helpful in my classroom.

  5. My students & I LOVE magnatiles!!!! Some other things on my wish list are: number bots, alphabet learning locks &the find & float alphabet bubbles.

  6. Erin Gomez says:

    I love magnatiles! Another favorite are the manetic gears and the alphabet sounds tubs!

  7. Karen Cochrane says:

    Wow, such great ideas! Thank you!

  8. Cathy McDonald says:

    Love that Magnatiles foster such independent creativity! I would love them for my grandkids!!

  9. I never thought to draw on them!!! What a great idea!

  10. Erin Cockrell says:

    Great activities for kids to work on a vertical surface! Always need more to add to the toolkit.

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