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  1. Dylan Lehrhaupt says:

    We use document cameras in our classrooms.
    They’ve proven invaluable!

  2. Lori Govert says:

    I document can help with virtual teaching which is still happenng at times through out the year. It is aslo useful for students to get a brids eye view of read alouds and manipulatives at work. It helps to keep students engaged!

  3. sarah cypert says:

    I really need to get one of these cameras. I teachprek/k severe and profound and always need to video my students doing amazing things such as learning to speak, write, read, etc. I share these types of videos with my principal, my supervisor and the student’s parents. This helps people realize all they are capable of doing when others said they can’t. I have to use my phone now but many times if the kiddos see my phone they stop doing and become shy. Thank you for sharing about these cameras.

  4. I would use the document camera so much especially right now since we are online for the next two weeks and who knows how long we will actually be online for. It is such an excellent tool to have in a classroom.

  5. Tara O’Hagan says:

    Oh my goodness. I have a had a document camera but it was so old that it became blurry. I wasn’t sure if it was the camera or my eyesight. I would love to have a new document camera so I am not always showing a book read by someone from YouTube.

  6. Maureen Baldwin says:

    Doc Cameras are so awesome to have in class. They save so many steps and so much time and are very useful to keep the kids all focused on one thing.

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