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  1. Oh, you took some beautiful photos!! Makes me want to go back already. I’m an iPhone junkie so I would definitely go with the cover. Melissa showed us her case and I’m so tempted to get one. Have fun picking out your stuff 🙂 Can’t wait to see you again next year!

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thank you, Jen! I know…I can’t wait til next year! I saw Melissa’s too and I loved it! I think that’s what I will get. Take care!

  2. Rachel @ finding joy says:

    I love your recap and your pictures. Beautiful!!
    I’m another one who loves that Hint Water. I’ll be ordering some as well.
    So glad that you were blessed by BEECH.
    Thankful for you.


    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thank you, Rachel! I was incredibly blessed by BEECH and by you! So great to finally meet all these wonderful bloggers in person. Thank you for all you do!

  3. Oooo…I don’t know. I LOVE my planner from her – so colorful {and I’m a pen/paper girl}.

    I just ordered some Hint water last night from Amazon – they had pear flavored and that sounded fabulous!!! 🙂 With free super saving shipping of course!

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      That is awesome! I think I need to order some Hint water….I miss it! So inspired by you and love all your tips on organization and time management. Thanks for all you did for BEECH retreat!

  4. Stacy @ A Delightful Home says:

    Beautiful pictures!

    I would love to have had a chance to chat with you.

    Congrats on your winnings! Awesome stuff. I would get the planner. I had a look at my friend’s planner and it looked great. Already thinking about getting one myself.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thanks, Stacy! I know- wish we would’ve had time to talk, too. Maybe next year?! I know, I saw several planners from bloggers and it looks really awesome. You should get one!

  5. It was so nice to meet you — I know you had a great time, but I know you were so happy to get home and see your babies! YOu have such beautiful pictures in this post — I loved reading it!

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      It was so nice to meet you, Mary! Yes I loved being home with my babies!! Thanks for your sweet comment.

  6. Angela!! I have a planner and love it! I’m thinking about buying one of their notebooks with the monthly calendars added. That way I can use it as a blogging notebook! I love their products and I’m sure anything you get you will adore !! It was so nice to meet you this weekend!

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Donna! Thanks for the advice. I may just get both! I enjoyed meeting you this weekend- you are so joyful and full of life!!

  7. Nicole Burdess says:

    I love writing and I use both methods of a calendar, but I’m a junkie for a planner, so I know I’d go with the planner 😉

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      That’s awesome! You are super organized woman!

  8. After seeing Melissa’a iPhone cover, is there any question?!? ;0)

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Haha you’re so right!

  9. What gorgeous photos! Totally sums up an awesome weekend. I have to agree with “iPhone cover.” If I had a smart phone, I’d get that in a heartbeat. 🙂

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thanks, Jeni! I loved being your roommate. Wish we would’ve gotten a picture together! Let’s stay in touch!

  10. Since I use my iCal more than a planner, I would go with the personalized iPhone cover.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      I think that’s what I’m going to do. My sister in law got me a great planner, so I’ll probably go with the iPhone cover. I’ve just heard such great things about the life planner.

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