50 Ways to Spread Kindness During Hard Times
We all go through hard times. Right now, our country is going through a time that unprecedented and a lot of things are unknown. It’s so easy to be fearful and anxious. I’m trying my absolute best to find joy and reasons to be thankful each day.
Currently, I’ve been thankful for my family, food in our pantry, a warm home, friends who check in on us, and my church who has been a source of peace and encouragement.
I’ve been working with my boys in finding ways to spread kindness during hard times. I wanted to share this list of ideas with you in case you are also looking to spread some positivity right now. Some cost money and others are completely free. I hope this list inspires you today!
- Send cards in the mail to a friend or family member
- Pay for the person behind you in a drive-thru line
- Offer to pick up groceries for someone in need
- Donate food to the local food pantry
- FaceTime someone just to brighten their day
- Send flowers to a friend
- Leave cookies, coffee, or wine on the front step of neighbor
- Send a gift card in the mail
- Write encouraging words with chalk on the sidewalk
- Offer to do laundry for someone
- Give a generous tip to a barista, hairdresser, etc.
- Help a neighbor with yard work
- Leave a small gift for your mail carrier
- Shop local to support small businesses
- Thank a teacher with a homemade card
- Drop off goodies to local first responders
- Send a card to a service member
- Do chores for your family without asking
- Leave bottled water, toilet paper, or other paper goods for a friend
- Send a meal to a family (right now you could use a delivery service and support a local restaurant)
- Make a bird feeder
- Tell funny jokes to make someone laugh
- Purchase gift cards from local businesses
- Make a craft for a friend (I Heart Crafty Things is my favorite site for crafts!)
- Leave change in the vending machine for the next person
- Compliment 5 friends
- Make a video with an encouraging message or song and send to a loved one
- Write words of encouragement on sticky notes and post them around the house
- Create art on a rock and leave them around the neighborhood or at a park
- Clean a sibling’s room
- Leave bubbles or chalk on a friend’s front porch
- Read a book to someone (it could even be over FaceTime to grandparents or loved ones!)
- Donate essential supplies to a local homeless shelter (such as these blessing bags)
- Plant something or deliver a plant to a loved one
- Be an encouragement to the cashier. A smile or an encouraging word goes a long way!
- Make a special dinner or dessert for your family
- Donate books to a free library box
- Deliver cookies to someone’s doorstep (do store-bought cookies if you’re worried about germs!)
- Make a friendship bracelet and give it to a friend
- Have a virtual playdate using Skype or FaceTime when you can’t be together
- Sponsor a child in need
- Leave a nice comment on a blog post, YouTube video, or Instagram picture
- Make a sibling their favorite snack
- Do something special for your pet (ie: play with them, clean their cage, buy them a toy)
- Go through your toys and fill a box to donate
- Share a happy memory with a loved one
- Thank a healthcare worker
- Leave a nice review for a company you’ve used
- Create art to send to local nursing homes
- Send a postcard like this to neighbors to offer help
Kindness truly is contagious. I love this video below. It shows the beauty and power of one act of kindness.
Have an amazing day and I hope you can spread some kindness in whatever you do!
Hi Angela
You shared a spring hunt. Could you share an autumn one for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere?
Thanks and have been loving your work.
Yes I do have an autumn one. Here it is: https://teachingmama.org/fall-scavenger-hunt/