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  1. This is a fabulous idea! I would love to have this in my classroom. Thank you so much for sharing it and continuing to help educators. Happy Holidays! LUV

  2. I had never thought of using an Alexa or Echo Dot in the classroom. What great ideas! I would love to give one to my first grade co-teacher. I can just imagine the things we can do with it together or when she is out and there is a sub or we are both out for training/planning.

  3. All of your suggestions on using the eco dot in the classroom sound great! Timers, brain breaks, reminders!! Even find my phone! I would really love to win.

  4. Jen Knutson says:

    I would love an echo for my classroom because I work in a self-contained k-2 room and the indoor recess, phonetic spelling and quick facts would be an excellent addition to our room!

  5. Ang Jackson says:

    I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win!!! I’ve never used an Echo and would be so excited to use one in my classroom!!!!

  6. Sheila Gentry says:

    I would like to win because I see how you can use it in so many ways. Thanks for the great ideas.

  7. I would love an echo dot to help with managing classroom behaviors!

  8. Lauren Rickenberg says:

    I would love the echo dot in my classroom for our PAX Good Behavior games! I would be able to set a hands free timer for our games and it will appropriately go off and students will know the game is over.

  9. Jodi Taylor says:

    Never thought how handy an echo dot would be!

  10. Shannon Uglum says:

    My little kids would love this! It would help when I don’t have a free hand!

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