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  1. Alma Rosa says:

    I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years of been married. My husband and I have been seeing fertility specialist We have done our best but no luck,My husband has a sperm count which goes up and down,My friend recommended a pregnancy product to me of Iya Hindi root and herbs; I applied all the methods and technique step by step as mention in the Herbs. Within 2 weeks i am pregnant naturally without any medicine,

  2. asuasolucao says:

    My wife is pregnant, I am sure she will love these verses, thank you for posting, they are beautiful and wonderful.

  3. wow, I feel so encouraged bythe verses, I feel so drawn away from God due to the pregnancy related fatigue…..weak, Nausea, sleepy full time work…. I need my God more.Thank you for these

  4. Brittany Orie says:

    Thank you for sharing these verses. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

    This is one of my favorite verses in the world. In every situation it’s a reminder for me to seek the Lord and put my burdens on Him.

  5. Mariavictoria says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these amazing Bible verses for pregnancy. This is my first pregnancy and this has been a time of true testing to trust God despite feeling doubt and other feelings. I have taken these verses and wrote them down in my prayer journal to come back to and read over everyday until I give birth. God bless you!

  6. Thank you for a good work our lord Jesus Christ has impact in you am 9weeks with the previous pregnancy miscarried i have threatening pregnancy and the doctor have said they can’t feel the baby heart beating but through the Bible verses you have shared with us i trust the Lord will restore my baby back in Jesus name

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m so sorry! Praying God’s peace over you.

  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to post these verses. I am in my first trimester and had 3 miscarriages as well as 3 healthy babies. I have been fearful at times with this pregnancy praying I won’t lose it. These verses are amazing and brought tears to my eyes as I rewrote them in my own writing to have by my bed. Thank you for letting yourself be used of Him. His word is uplifting and sustains us.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Congrats! I totally understand. Thank you for sharing. So blessed to know these verses encouraged you today!

  8. Grace omini says:

    Those scriptures are very encouraging. I will use them everyday.

  9. Thank you for this! I just got pregnant unexpectedly and I’m struggling with just finding peace in that God is the author of life, not me. He has a purpose in this because my plans were not his will. Your post really encouraged me!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m so glad to hear that, Vikki. I’m praying that you feel God’s peace tonight and for the rest of your pregnancy.

  10. Thank u for this post. Just what I was looking for tonight. Just found out I am preggy for my 2nd after 9yrs of waiting. and filled with fear and anxiety. First went well until delivery when complications set in but God took over. I so so much long for His reassurance now and u pointed me to that. God bless u for sharing

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Congrats!! Praying for God to fill you with peace during this time!

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