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  1. Amanda Rollins says:

    These are neat. I really like the watches for older kids. Teaching time can be a difficult task.

  2. I would love the clock for my preschool classroom! And the butterfly school watch for my niece. 🙂

  3. Mindy Bowman says:

    Love the unicorn school watch!

  4. My kiddos would love this clock.

  5. Butterfly school watch

  6. Aden Williams says:

    Oh. My. GOSH! I’ve never seen these! I teach elementary students with special needs, and this clock would be PERFECT in my classroom! My students are very interested in clocks and time, but do not yet understand how time works. I’m sending the link out to all of my parents, bc they are always asking for watches that would help their children learn time.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Awesome!! Thank you for sharing this with your parents. I think this is a genius idea!

  7. Love all the watches. Hard to pick a favorite

  8. Denise McAfee says:

    I have a classroom of seven K-2 grade students with autism. Only two of these students recognize any numbers. This clock would be a great asset to help them become more independent and be able to recognize when the time limit was up. We use many timers in this classroom to help students learn when they have earned a reinforcement. This clock would work great to help them with time as well as help teach them different animals.

  9. Angela Little says:

    My granddaughter would love the preschool dinosaur watch!

  10. What a great concept! The wall clock would be so helpful in the classroom for helping kids with sharing/turn-taking and developing patience. I love the dinosaur watch because who doesn’t love dinosaurs?

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