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  1. Cristyl @ CHill Thoughts says:

    This stuff is amazing! I just made a few batches for my little guy to try and I’m probably a little more excited about it than I should be! I love that I don’t have to worry about him eating some of it!

  2. Christina says:

    Hi there!

    Love this idea! I’m in the middle of trying it out right now and I can’t seem to bring it to a place where it doesn’t stick to my fingers! I’ve been cooking for some time now.. any advice?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Sorry, this is probably too late to help! I let mine cook until it did not stick to my fingers. If that doesn’t work, then try kneading in some flour. Hope that helps!

  3. What size Jello did you use? I am assuming the small box.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I used the small box. 🙂

  4. How long does this play dough last?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I have had mine for 5+ months and it is still great. It smells wonderful and has not dried out at all. I keep them in an air-tight container.

  5. The play dough recipe is AWESOME! I didn’t have cream of tartar so I subbed with baking powder and it worked beautifully!

  6. I just tried making the jello play dough today. I can’t believe how easy it was…and it smells great! I used the regular jello though, not the sugar free type…I wonder if it would attract ants… we’ll see! Thank you so much for sharing this!
    Shirl L recently posted…Puppet MakingMy Profile

    1. Ooh, I just had my boys played with them and they loved it! I love it too, that the fact it doesn’t leave “flour” residue on the hands unlike some of the play dough recipe… only a hint of oil… can’t emphasise how much I love the sweet scent!
      Shirl L recently posted…Puppet MakingMy Profile

  7. Hello, I just have a question about the recipe for play dough, what is tartar cream??

  8. I just made this for the twins I nanny and they love it. What is the life expectancy for it?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      So happy to hear this! I tested this out and mine is STILL good from the time I made it for this post! So I guess 3+ months. I kept some in the fridge and it did not hold up well…it was clumpy and was not very moldable. So I suggest keeping it in an air-tight container and it should last! Enjoy! 🙂

  9. Kate's Mama says:

    I’ve made this for my 2-year-old. It comes out so smooth and the scent was fantastic. (I made orange!) We became busy with family vacation and other things while it was stored in our fridge. After the older kids (9-14) started school, I got it out again. I was amazed that it was still very usable. It remained smooth, didn’t harden and still had scent, though not as strong. (I stored it in an air-tight bag.)

    Now to make some other colors. I’m trying blue, green, purple, and red. She’s excited!

  10. I’ve made this playdough and it came out really well mixing the recipe with boiling warer with a spoon, kneading, cooling slightly and then playing with instantly. Saved all the hassle with a saucepan!

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