CVC Fluency Strips


Help students practice reading with these CVC fluency strips! Children will decode CVC words in isolation and then read them in sentences.

These strips are perfect for helping students build their fluency with reading short vowel words in simple sentences.

There are 24 sets and they come in color and black & white.

These CVC fluency strips are perfect for beginning or struggling readers working on decoding.

This is a digital product and nothing will be mailed to you.

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Are you teaching students to read? One of the simplest ways to begin is with CVC words. CVC words are three-letter words that follow a consonant/vowel/consonant pattern. Some examples are the words ‘cat’, ‘hen’, and ‘sat’. 

It’s so exciting to watch students go from knowing letters and sounds to reading words! When students are ready to start developing their reading fluency, they start by reading short vowel words. This allows them to learn to see patterns in words and apply that skill to reading. Instead of sounding out each phoneme or sound in the words, they learn to blend them together.

You can help develop this skill with CVC word family fluency strips. These sentence strips are perfect for helping students build their fluency with reading short vowel words in simple sentences.

CVC Fluency Strips

This product includes the following word families:

Short A – ab, ad, ag, am, an, ap, at

Short E – ed, eg, en, et

Short I – id, ig, in, ip, it

Short O – ob, of, op, to

Short U – ub, ug, un, ut

Altogether there are 24 sets!

For each word family, there are CVC words to practice reading.


Then there are sentences using CVC words along with sight words. Each set comes in color AND black & white.
Check out how to set up the strips in the video below:


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