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  1. Deb @ Living Montessori Now says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your cute printable! I featured it as the Free Printable of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and on Pinterest.
    Deb @ Living Montessori Now recently posted…Simple Excavation Sensory TubsMy Profile

  2. Not yet, but we’ve been wanting to try them 🙂

  3. We love them! Still working on gentle dotting and not rubbing them, but we use them a lot.

  4. Jessica A. says:

    No I haven’t but been wanting too! I just do not have the extra money for it right now!

  5. I’d love to try these out because the dot markers (generic brand) we’ve tried in the past were a total mess with way too much ink coming out.

  6. We use some that I bought at Wal-Mart and we love them!

  7. I don’t… I have been dying to try them, but don’t have the spare money right this second – so I would LOVE to win this prize!

  8. We do use a generic do-a-dots at our house and it’s my youngest’s favorite thing about homeschool! 🙂

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