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  1. Thank you for this post. I am a first-time mom who is completely confused about whether to homeschool my girl or not. I really want to but lack the confidence to do it. There are too many “what if if am dragging/lagging her progress” questions on my mind. However, you post made me feel much better. If I decide to homeschool preschool, I will definitely purchase your ebook. Thanks again! – Ellen

  2. Diana Shaw says:

    What a great idea. People just need a plan and then stick to it. It’s a day by day thing.

    I got my kids started early to read…before they ever entered kindergarten. I can’t overstate how much it helped their overall confidence level in all subjects. My boy started reading at age 3. As he entered first grade and they told me he was reading on the 5th grade level. Kids love reading when they can learn with no pressure.

    Diana S.

  3. I think that socialisation is easier with home schooled children because you have the opportunity to encourage the kinder behaviours and they have more time to play with other children and in smaller settings.

    My childrens’ social skills have changed and grown vastly since we removed them from school. They play and interact with others in a far more co-operative and relaxed way and are not competitive about absolutely everything. They are far pleasanter and we do get to avoid things we would prefer them not be involved with. They are not exposed to bullying and when we have situations where children are not getting along we encourage them to find solutions because we have the time to focus on a smaller group of people than a teacher does.

    Our children are easier around adults of all ages as they don’t really have any adults that need to be completely in charge of them. We negotiate alot with them and they take that into their wider world.

    When people ask if they are sick now (which happens a lot because they are now 5 and 7) they politely and proudly put people straight about home ed. They are their own best advert.

    I was petrified when we were taking them out but I am so glad I did. I am loving every minute of it and can’t see why society has such a negative view of people who would want to give their kids the best they can.

    They are both ahead of their school academic years. My daughter was 6 when we took them out at functioning at about 4 intellectually, so she has done amazing things.

    My children were very insecure and clingy around me when they were in school and a lot of that has to do with being adopted but their confidence and independance has grown in tandem with the secure attachment they have time to form with us.

    Time is a very nice thing to be able to give to your child. Good luck with the book. I bet loads of people will benefit from it.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      What a neat story. Thanks for sharing! That is really wonderful that your children’s social skills have grown since starting homeschooling! And I love the fact that the kids now tell others they are homeschooled when they ask! Thanks again for always being an encouragement to me. Have a blessed day!

  4. Susan Core says:

    I definitely look forward to seeing your ebook as I am sure it will be loaded with great ideas just like your blog. Our family made the decision three years ago to home school our children – it was amazing how God brought unity in the decision after a lot of praying, and honestly having to stop talking to other people about it (unfortunately, there are many strong opinions on the subject both ways). I love that each family has the opportunity to make this decision for themselves. My oldest is in 2nd grade now and it has been an exciting, challenging three years. I have been doing some preschool with Kaila (just three in Nov.) We started doing the letter boxes and she absolutely loves them. I also tie some of her schooling into what I am teaching Seth. For example – she always has a coloring page to go along with his Bible reading each day and she always joins in with our art time. I am also going through a Fruit of the Spirit devotion/activity with her as well. Not doing this daily, but aiming for a couple of times a week. Seth does piano and tumbling so I also am able to use some of that time to do concentrated activities with Kaila as it can sometimes be a bit challenging at home balancing between the older two and our little one. Angela – Thank you for the time you are putting into others’ lives by sharing what you are doing in your own home.

  5. I love this and I love your blog! We are considering me staying home in the next few years, and I’ve thought I’d want to homeschool Maebry but don’t know where to start. Your blog is one of my biggest resources for great ideas!

    Looking forward to reading and gleaning 🙂

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thank you, Kelli! Your encouraging words mean a lot. I’m so excited that you are considering staying home with Maebry! I do think it’s hard to know where to start, so that’s exactly why I’m writing this ebook. I’m hoping this will help you out!! 🙂

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