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  1. These are all fantastic ideas!

  2. I love all of the ideas of different ways to use the magna tiles!

  3. Jeanette Barnes says:

    I would love another set of Magnatiles, but Bernadette Mackay needs them more than I do. God Bless her mission school!

  4. Peggy Canfield says:

    The kiddos in my self contained classes would love these, especially making the dinosaurs!!

  5. Julie Connelly says:

    My kids LOVED these when they were younger!!! And now my students absolutely LOVE playing w/ them!!! This set would be a GREAT addition to my classroom!!!!

  6. Wow! What a hreat giveaway! Would love to explore these with my kiddos!

  7. Julie Van Braam Morris says:

    I’ve always wanted a set of these.

  8. Angela Wagner says:

    These are so awesome!!! I know lots of children and teachers who play and build for hours…. such a versatile toy !!!!

  9. Angela Little says:

    Would love to have a set. Students would love them!

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