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  1. Great pregnancy verses! I’ve been scouring the web but These really speak to me, Thank you!

  2. I found out almost a week ago that I am pregnant. I am 4 weeks today. These verses really are encouraging. I’ve lost 2 babies before. Natural miscarriage 2 years ago and a D&C done 4 months ago. Full trust in God. He knows my children already and has his plans for me. Thank you again for the encouragement.

  3. This scriptures is very useful. I will meditate on it day and night. Am pregnant with my 2rd child. Health challenges arise, but i have full trust in the lord. Thank you for putting these together for us. God be with you and your family

  4. I praise and thank God for you, you have no idea how much hope you have brought as about to start the Invitro fertilization journey.I’m struggling with infertility ,I have been worried and anxious about a lot of things involved but my trust is upon the Lord.I have made notes from these scriptures and started to read.I thank God in advance and looking forward and mostly I thank Him for sending to this page.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Praise God! When I wrote this post years ago, I had no idea how many people would read these verses. I think God that he led me to write this to encourage you! I just said a prayer for you. <3

  5. Great scriptures..So encouraging and calming..God bless you all in whatever stage you are.. Pregnant, waiting in faith to conceive..And those who have given birth to new life!

  6. Thank you so much for posting these! I am 7 wks pregnant after almost 12 yrs of infertility. It is a higher risk pregnancy and I have to battle lots of fears and panic. Thank you for helpinh keep my mind on Him insteaf of my fears!

  7. I have been trying to get pregnant for just about two years. I just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant. However, my levels are not increasing the way the doctor would like…. Struggling to remember that God has a plan for me, no matter what happens. These scriptures certainly helped. Thank you for the encouragement.

  8. Thank you so much, God richly bless you. I’ve been married for the past almost 5years expecting a baby . But with the word I believe and thank God in advance I’ve conceive next month in Jesus name.

  9. Thank you so much for your time. I was reading them for my wife to see later. We are going our first ultra sound later today.

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