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  1. Thank you and God bless you for the verses. I started my little notes with scriptures and prayer points on how I want my pregnancy and delivery to be (smooth, beautiful, no complications, etc…) and Thank You points on what God has done at each stage. I didn’t have a very good first pregnancy, now I have faith and making sure in prayer and meditation that the second one is going to be beautiful.

  2. I really needed this today – thank you.

  3. just found out am pregnant at 50 years old!!! after 13years of wating on the Lord for my miracle quads though my husband had 2 kids during the wait through fears & doubts. Glory to God
    these scriptures have blessd me alot
    God bless you richly in Jesus name.

    1. Wow congrats. How did your pregnancy go?

  4. Krisstina says:

    Thank you so much! I just found out 3 days ago that I’m pregnant and ive been scared out of my mind but these verses have uplifted my spirit so thank you and God Bless you!

  5. Praise God! God’s Word is unstoppable! Still blessing women with the scriptures He led you to some years ago. Thank you for writing this and being obedient. 35 weeks with our 5th and I STILL need to hold on to these words to make it through!
    Thank you again!

  6. Christina says:

    I might be going through a miscarriage, and when I searched the Internet for pregnancy verses, this one popped up first. It’s given me strength and had me bawling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  7. This is so perfect, my wife is on her first pregnancy, and it had been just as rough on her, I’m custom making a box for her bedside snacks for nausea, I’m going to write all these scriptures on there to encourage her, and I. Glory to God, thanks for sharing.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m so encouraged to hear that this helped you and your wife. You are SO sweet to make that for her. I hope the nausea goes away soon!

    2. Way to go Dad! Praise God for you

  8. Am just going to keep trusting God because itd 8yrs now and I am still waiting a child from the Lord

    1. I want to encourage you that there is nothing impossible for God to do. Hope in God and trust in him absolutely. You shall not be put to shame

  9. I am really praying for a child from God for almost 8yrs and I am still trusting him

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I just prayed for you, Shenikca! God’s plan is perfect, even when it seems like it makes no sense. <3

    2. Shenikca,
      I wonder in all those eight years how much you have grown in your trust in God. That you are still struggling together with Him is a marvellous encouragement for many of us and a proof of your loyalty. As Jacob struggled with the Angel of the Lord and had victory, your too have already received a great reward. I am praying for you!!

      1. I just come across these lovely bible verses. Me and my husband are praying to av a baby to together,we will continue to read these bible verses every,pray for us thank u

  10. thank you so much for this collection of useful verses to use through pregnancy! be blessed xx

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