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  1. Christell says:

    Thank you. I needed this so much!

    1. Praise the Lord he is my stronghold! For when I am weak then he is strong! Trust and Obey💘

  2. Thank you so much! ! This has led me in the right direction. I had so much fear of the changes I was about to incurre but I know that through him I am strong. I can do this! This will be my first child and I was so scared of birth and all of the changes to follow. Thank you for sharing this!!!s

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      So wonderful to hear this. God has an amazing plan for you and your baby! Blessings to you!

      1. Congrats On knowing Gods got you!

  3. Psalm 112:7 is exactly what I need now! Thank you so much for this post! I just told my hubby that I was nervous about miscarriage. I will post this verse in a place I will see it daily.

  4. Terrilyn Douglas says:

    Thank you so much for these! My husband and I just found out that we are pregnant and I have been a nervous wreck, but these scriptures have helped me so much. I’ve been reading a couple everyday. I appreciate you! Thanks again.

  5. Rosalinda says:

    I want to thank you for taking the time to share these bible versus with us. I just found out we are pregnant with our 3rd child today. My heart is both happy and heavy. My two oldest boys have autism. My heart breaks to think that Iif I have another boy he may also have autism, there’s a 30% chance. There is a lower risk of this baby is a girl… My husband has 3 daughters from a previous relationship and they are typical peers. My heart tells me my baby will be perfect and to put my trust in the Lord. I don’t want to have any doubt in my heart and I cry. Thank you again for sharing these versus, they remind me that God is listening and he loves me.

  6. Thank you for these scriptures…I’m pregnant with our 3rd child, which we didn’t expect so quickly since #2 is 9 months old. Our oldest is 4 and very active! This has been a very challenging first trimester since I have had no energy & work full time. I have a very supportive husband and extremely blessed with him by my side. Today I sought out prayer at my church and had to take the day off from work because I just melted and needed some me time to cry and release all the stress I’ve bottled up these past 2 months. I googled bible verses during pregnancy, and you link popped up. I have seen lots of these verses time and again in my life, but at this moment, there is so much truth and meaning behind each of these. Thank you for sharing with the world how God helped you overcome pregnancy obstacles. You have truly been a blessing for me. God bless u.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Congrats on your 3rd child! I can understand that you would feel overwhelmed. 🙂 So happy to hear these verses encouraged your hearts. Lord, I pray that you would bless this sweet woman’s pregnancy. Take away feelings of fear and doubt, and encourage her heart. May this sweet baby be an amazing blessing to their family. In Your name we pray. Amen.

    2. Aline, I am reading this 5 years later and wondering how you’re doing, now that you’ve able to look back at that challenging time. Blessings.

  7. hi im a new christain and feeling quite dis ouraged in my prag.ancy.. so sick. ty for sharing this as its been helpful to my heart today.

  8. I love these verses! I’ve been reading them to my wife, I’m just curious, which Bible translation are you using?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Glad these are useful to you! I mostly used ESV version of the Bible.

  9. Melodie Davis says:

    Hi. I once dug up about 210 bible verses related to pregnancy, or at least children, joy, parenting, etc. for a book “For the Next Nine Months: Meditations for Everyday of Pregnancy” (Zondervan, 1982). It begins about month #3. If you think that wasn’t fun, it was a challenge! Anyway, your title caught my eye. I just became a grandma last fall, with one born the end of Sept. and one the end of Nov. Best wishes on #3 for you!
    Melodie Davis recently posted…Homemade Scalloped Potatoes (And a Surprise)My Profile

  10. Ang, I loved this post. I even bookmarked one of them on my phone to pray over my girls 🙂
    I love the Word – always directs our hearts back to the Lord and reminds us why we walk these roads we walk that aren’t always easy.
    Thinking of you and your littles today! Also, I love that baby wrap you had! Looks comfy.

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