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  1. I love Lakeshore! Thank you for the opportunity.

  2. Ashley Zuehlke says:

    This is one of my favorite projects to do with the kids. I love that you highlighted it here as well.

  3. Thank you for such wonderful materials!

  4. Jaton Najera says:

    There are so many amazing products on Lakeshore that make teaching and learning easier and more fun! I would love to be able to purchase some new items for my classroom!

  5. Sarah Myers says:

    This is awesome! I love the resources and ideas!

  6. My daughter LOVES playing school! (I guess that’s what happens with BOTH of your parents are teachers!) On her and I’s wish list is the Play School Supplies Kit!

  7. Can;t wait ti try this hand print with my students. I love Lakeshore they have great resources

  8. Some of my favorite activities come from Lakeshore!

  9. Whitney Collins says:

    I would love the flex-space comfy floor seats for my classroom. I love providing flexible seating options for my students.

  10. Christine Locke says:

    I can’t wait to try this handprint craft! Also, adding these items you listed to my Lakeshore wishlist!

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