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  1. Waleed marwat says:

    I was just wondering did you add Oil to the water? It looks so much fun, kids around me are going to love it.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hello! I did not use oil. Just water!

  2. Sandy in SoCal says:

    I am SO GLAD I saw this just now…I have a TON of rainbow loom rubber bands set aside for my next garage sale! Not anymore! BTW, I find Voss bottles at Albertson’s here in SoCal…usually in the water aisle on the top shelf. I have made several sensory bottles, and this one will soon be added to my collection! Thank you from a new follower!!

  3. I love this! My niece and I used some of her loom bands to make one for my baby. I found that adding some glycerine to the water kept the bands swirling for longer, and allowed my niece to make a loom band tornado by twirling the bottle just so.
    Ms S recently posted…Sensory Bottles in SecondsMy Profile

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That’s a great idea! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Aww thanks for sharing. She’s so cute!! And thanks for linking back to my site 🙂

  4. Carole Dent says:

    What a fantastic idea, I will look forward to making one for my grandchildren and I was wondering if you had tried any other things that we find around the house?

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