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  1. These are fun and beautiful BUT you need to be really careful with not only kids, but pets. If these are swallowed you have a very dangerous situation EVEN Deadly. “Yes. Swallowing water beads can cause life-threatening intestinal damage. At least one death has occurred after water bead ingestion by a child. In that case, a 6-month-old boy suffered a bowel blockage after swallowing a single superabsorbent polymer bead given to him by a neighbor.”

  2. How do you go about cleaning up after this? Do you chase every bead that left the bin? We love water beads but I’m constantly going after every bead they drop out.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That is frustrating! I put a giant towel down to help the beads not roll so much. Then when we’re done, I just pick the towel up and either place the water beads back in the bin or in the trash. Or we do this outside.

  3. All my kids LOVE water beads! Even the ten-year-old asks to play with them. We store ours in an air-tight plastic container between playtimes. Love that they can be reused, it makes them a VERY cost effective play item considering the use they see!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Awesome! They are so calming to play with. Thanks for sharing!

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