Search Results for: sensory bins

Colorful Alphabet Sensory Bin

Colorful Alphabet Sensory Bin

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. See my disclosure policy for more details. Every child learning the alphabet should experience this colorful alphabet sensory bin! Children need lots of exposure to the alphabet to help them learn the letters. Sensory bins are so beneficial for children and adding this one to your classroom…

100 sensory play ideas

100+ Sensory Play Ideas

Sensory play is a type of play that is very beneficial for children. Starting at birth, babies begin to explore the world around them using their five senses. As children grow, their senses are their most familiar and most basic way to explore and process new information. Sensory play enhances learning through hands-on activities that…

20 amazing fall sensory activities

20 Fall Sensory Play Activities

I love fall and I love sensory play activities! Sensory play is an amazing way to introduce children to explore textures, scents, sounds, and more! Today I’m sharing with you 20 of the best fall sensory play activities. Children learn about their world using their senses, such as seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, and tasting. As…

April preschool themes and activities

April Preschool Themes and Activities

April is a month full of fun learning and exciting themes for young learners! If you’re on the hunt for April preschool themes and activities, you’ll find all of that and more on this blog post. When the warmer weather hits and spring season is in full swing, I find more inspiration for nature-themed activities. I think April is…

q-tip lowercase painting activity

Q-Tip Painting for Lowercase Letters

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to Amazon for your convenience. See my disclosure for more details. Learning alphabet letters is an important thing to learn during the preschool and kindergarten years! A fun, hands-on way to learn this is through this Q-Tip Painting Activity. This activity I’m sharing with you today is for lowercase letters. I’ve…

Why letter of the week curriculum is not effective

Why Letter of the Week Curriculum Isn’t Effective

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. For more information, please see my disclosure. Do you use Letter of the Week curriculum? I’ve used it in the past and while it does have some benefits, it’s not my first choice. The concept is great…children will learn a letter every week and then at the end…

Week in Review

Another week down…and a busy one at that! Can I be completely honest with you? It was a hard week and I am very tired. I’m sure you’ve all had weeks like that, so I’m guessing you can relate. You see for the past 14 weeks, my husband has been away at training for his…

Pete the Cat Wall
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Get Groovy with These Pete the Cat Classroom Decor Ideas

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. See my disclosure for more details. Are you looking to add a touch of fun and creativity to your preschool classroom? Look no further than this Pete the Cat classroom! Your students will love the vibrant colors and the familiar character that will greet them each day….

Fine Motor Task Cards

Fine Motor Task Cards

This post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure for more details. Fine motor skills are incredibly important to focus on with children. I am constantly adding fine motor activities to our day to help my boys strengthen their hands. Fine motor skills require the use of smaller muscle groups to perform tasks that are precise…